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Are CBD Softgels Better Than CBD Tinctures?

Are CBD Softgels Better Than CBD Tinctures?

One of the most popular forms of CBD in the mainstream today is CBD softgels. It might be because they are so convenient to carry around and use, or that they can pack a hefty, fast-acting amount of CBD. Whatever it is, people sure do seem to like them a lot. However, are they really the best method to get the best helping of CBD? Keep reading, you might be surprised.

What Are CBD Softgels?

CBD softgels are liquid hemp oil encapsulated in a gelatin-like casing. The casing is designed to be easy to swallow, then even easier for the stomach to digest. The concept behind encapsulating the CBD in a gelcap is so that the CBD inside of the softgel is safe and protected by the casing so that it does not get burned away by the acids in the stomach, but can be introduced to the body through the digestive system in the same manner as food.

In some cases, softgels are made out of animal-derived gelatin then filled with special machinery that measures out an exact amount that gets processed into a single softgel. In other cases, the gelatin is made out of plants and is 100% vegan. In both cases, the end result is a small, clear capsule that is easy to swallow and has zero taste.

What Are CBD Tinctures?

If you lay CBD softgels alongside CBD tinctures and compare the two, you will find that they are pretty much the same, but they come in different packages. Where a CBD softgel comes in the form of a caplet, the tincture comes in the form of a liquid solution. When tinctures are created, parts of the hemp plant are broken down, heated, then processed in an extraction method that uses a solvent to separate the oil from the plant.  Most of the tinctures that are created today are made by use of supercritical carbon dioxide. High tech machinery uses carbon dioxide that is in between the gas and the solid form that is known as supercritical. The hemp is put into a chamber with supercritical carbon dioxide where it stripped off all of the oil that it has, then is discarded. The remaining fluid in the chamber is considered a hemp oil tincture.

Hemp Oil Spectrums

The spectrum of the hemp oil determines the components that are included in the extract. For example, the hemp plant carries an abundance of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. A full-spectrum extract will have all of the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavinoids included in the extract, including a small amount of THC. A broad-spectrum tincture is a tincture that will not contain THC but will still have most of the other cannabinoids and terpenes intact. A CBD isolate tincture, on the other hand, will only contain the cannabinoid CBD that has been isolated from the rest of the compounds. Both tinctures and softgels will come in full, broad, or isolate spectrums.

Softgels vs. Tinctures

The main difference between tinctures and softgels is obviously that softgels are pre-measured amounts of CBD that are encapsulated, and tinctures are liquid that is administered with eyedroppers so that the user can measure out the desired amount per helping.

Softgels are easy to swallow pills, and tinctures are taken by way of an eyedropper under the tongue. Where softgels have to be swallowed, then processed within the digestive tract, a tincture under the tongue is instantly sent into the bloodstream where it can bring the effects without having to pass through the digestive system. What this means is that when you use a tincture you will feel the effects within 20 minutes or so, but with softgels, the results could take up to two hours to feel.


At the end of the day, it is your preference that matters the most. Both CBD softgels and tinctures are great ways to enjoy the benefits of CBD. One way hits much quicker than the other, but in the case of softgels, you never have to taste the CBD. Whichever way that you choose, make sure that you are getting your CBD products from a responsible, trusted source that cares about its customers. High Falls Hemp NY is known for its high-quality and love of the hemp plant from seed to soul.

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