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Cbd For Luscious Locks: How Cbd Can Rejuvenate Your Hair

Cbd For Luscious Locks: How Cbd Can Rejuvenate Your Hair

For thousands of years, humans have been looking for ways to manage their manes. From fermented rice water being used in China to protect and nourish the hair, to coconut oil being used as a conditioner in Indonesia, natural remedies have been used all across the globe to help us look after the quality and appearance of our locks.

However, even though the haircare industry has changed a lot since the emergence of these ancient practices, there is still a massive focus on the importance of natural botanical ingredients. And one botanical ingredient that has been gaining a lot of traction in the beauty and wellness world as of late, is CBD.

Otherwise known as cannabidiol, you’ve probably heard of this therapeutic cannabinoid in relation to its power in reducing anxiety or improving chronic pain. But due to the abundance of amino acids, vitamins, and proteins CBD contains, it has also been proven to improve the quality of our hair, which helps people to achieve healthier, livelier, and stronger locks.

So join us while we take a deeper dive into the benefits of this precious compound, so we can understand how cannabidiol can improve hair growth, strengthen damaged hair, increase its shine and vitality and improve general scalp health. However, before we get carried away, let’s identify exactly what CBD is so we can better understand its relationship with our hair.

What Is Cbd?

CBD is a chemical compound that is found within cannabis. It’s one of the hundreds of other cannabinoids that are located within the plant and it’s the second most active compound, overtaken only by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Unlike THC however, CBD is not mind-altering, and it features an abundance of anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, and therapeutic qualities that make it successful in treating a wide variety of conditions and ailments.

It’s able to work so effectively because of its interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a signalling system that is located throughout our bodies, it helps us to regulate bodily functions such as sleep, stress, and pain, to help our bodies to achieve a natural state of balance. When CBD is consumed, it improves the function of the ECS, and this is why it’s so useful in improving such a wide spectrum of issues.

When it comes to hair care, CBD is also effective because all of the fatty omega acids and proteins it contains. Both of these properties have been staples of haircare products for decades, so using a product that is naturally rich in these qualities is a great way to reap their benefits without being subjected to any artificial chemicals.

What To Look Out For?

Despite CBD being only one ingredient, it can come in a variety of different forms due to the many ways the compound can be extracted. All of these forms have slightly different characteristics and subsequently affect the body, skin, and hair in different ways.

First of all, CBD isolate is the cannabinoid in its purest form. It only contains the isolated extract of cannabidiol and for this reason, it almost always comes in the form of powder, which makes it difficult to use in haircare. On the contrary, full-spectrum CBD contains extracts from the whole of the marijuana plant, often including the psychoactive compound THC. However, this may be unsuitable for those who are adverse to the side effects of THC, and it also doesn’t adhere to the legal guidelines of most countries.

Broad-spectrum CBD is the happy medium between both of these forms. Rich in phytocannabinoids and terpenes which all bring their own benefits while excluding the cannabinoid THC, broad-spectrum products feature the best of both worlds. Broad-spectrum CBD also comes in a carrying oil such as hemp or coconut, and these oils often come with their own nourishing benefits.

Cbd For Hair Growth

The average human sheds around 100 hairs every day. While this might sound bad, we normally grow more than we shed, and the natural growth cycle of our hair is typically maintained. However, when someone encounters a deficiency of important vitamins and minerals like iron and vitamin D or develops male pattern baldness (otherwise known as androgenetic alopecia) this can impact the growth cycle, and induce visible hair loss.

Although both genders are vulnerable to premature hair loss, it is often more noticeable in men because their hairline is more exposed. On average, by the time a man is 20, he has a 20% chance of having visible hair loss, and as it’s better to act early, finding a suitable product for hair loss is becoming all the more important.

Luckily, CBD has been proved in multiple studies to prevent the onset of hair loss and to stimulate the growth of new follicles. Due to the high content of protein and omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 acids that are found within the compound, the cannabinoid is effective at increasing circulation within the scalp and this can encourage the growth of new hairs.

Aside from this, if CBD is featured within hemp oil, which is also rich in omega oils, it helps your body to produce chemicals which are required for the growth of stronger and thicker hair. And if this wasn’t enough, using CBD or hemp oil in accompaniment with other essential oils such as rosemary and cedarwood has been shown to reduce the number of inflamed follicles and the build-up of oil that can prevent new hair from emerging.

Cbd For Strengthening Damaged Hair

Is your hair damaged from years of bleaching, heat exposure and chemical usage? You’re not on your own. An increasing amount of people are living with the effects of damaged hair, and even though there are some effective products out there, treating your damaged locks with chemically based products can often compound the problem.

CBD offers a great herbal alternative to other hair care products, as it helps to restore moisture to damaged hair and improves its strength and durability. In a similar way to how CBD facilitates the growth of new hairs, the 21 protein-rich amino acids present within the cannabinoid helps to nourish and repair the damaged hair follicles while preventing future damage from occurring.

Also, due to CBD’s antioxidant properties, it is effective at fighting off the effects of premature ageing that is caused by free radicals. This further protects your hair from the natural damage it will encounter over time and helps your hair to become more resilient to external factors like heat damage.

Cbd For Improving Shine

A big symptom of damaged hair is a lack of shine and moisture, and even if you’re not suffering from excessively damaged hair, you may well be looking for ways to improve dull and lacklustre hair. Typically, dull hair has a rough or coarse feeling, may appear quite frizzy, and notably lacks shine. It can be caused by a wide variety of different factors and although many products claim to revitalise the effects of dull hair, it can be hard to find the right ones that notably boost moisture and encourage shine.

However, the natural fats that are present within CBD help to draw out the natural moisture in the scalp, and this keeps hair well hydrated, as well as preventing a future loss of moisture. And in addition to increased moisture and a healthy shine, the abundance of amino acids in the cannabinoid, specifically tyrosine, also helps to maintain hair colour.

It’s best to look out for CBD products that are used in a carrier of hemp oil because it’s naturally very nourishing and it easily absorbed into the hair and scalp. Also, its non-comedogenic properties mean that our natural oils can be regulated and excess build-ups can be prevented, helping your hair to be deliciously flickable, without making it look greasy.

Cbd For Reducing Dandruff

Dandruff is a common scalp condition that can be exacerbated by oily skin, excessive shampooing, stress, or cold weather. If it persists for a while it’s also likely to be a symptom of a skin condition such as eczema, psoriasis, or seborrheic dermatitis. Even if you’re hair is in perfect condition, dandruff can be an inconvenient and often embarrassing condition that can stop you from feeling fully confident in your locks.

Fortunately, cannabidiol is effective at tackling and preventing the onset of dandruff because of the high doses of calcium, vitamin E, potassium, and phosphorus it contains. All of these properties are great for helping to soothe irritation on the scalp, and they can also work towards repairing and healing damaged skin.

The Best Ways To Use Cbd

If you’re tempted to incorporate CBD into your hair care regimen, but aren’t sure how to take CBD oil there’s no shortage of ways to dip your foot in the pool. From CBD-infused traditional haircare products to do-it-yourself masks, it’s easy to find a way to use CBD that is perfectly suited to your specific hair care needs.

CBD shampoo and conditioner – Probably the easiest way to incorporate the benefits of CBD oil into your daily routine, CBD-infused shampoos and conditioners provide a great herbal alternative to other chemically based products on the market. Cannabinoid containing shampoo is effective at thoroughly washing hair without removing its natural moistures, and CBD-infused conditioner works harder at repairing and nourishing dull locks.

Hair masks – CBD hair masks are great when your hair is in need of a little extra TLC. And what’s great is that there are cannabidiol-infused hair masks for just about any purpose, from improving the general condition of your hair to stimulating its growth. Or do you fancy making your own? There are loads of ways to make your own hair mask at home, just do a quick google search and you’ll be able to choose from a selection of different varieties! For maximum impact massage whatever mask you’re using into towel-dried hair and leave in for at least 5 minutes before rinsing out.

CBD or hemp oil – Like to keep things simple and effective? For more impactful results, massaging CBD or hemp oil directly into your scalp and hair is the best way to see the benefits of the cannabinoid. While CBD oil in carriers like olive and coconut oil are good, broad-spectrum hemp oil is the most effective because it also includes a whole host of beneficial phytocannabinoids and terpenes that are great at rejuvenating and protecting our locks.

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