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Weight Loss Friendly Food Combos

Weight Loss Friendly Food Combos

Are you trying to slim down? If so, one thing you should know is that two or more foods are certainly better than one when it comes to losing weight. This is because each food has different nutrients that work well to help you with your slimming goals.

9 Food Combos That Can Help You Slim Down

As a team, these foods can help you stay full longer, fend off hunger, and even burn fat or calories- way better than they would alone. Here are the food combos you should give a try:

Oatmeal and Walnuts

The act of adding more fiber into your diet can help you slim down because fiber slows down your digestion. Moreover, fiber also takes up space inside your stomach.

One cup of oatmeal contains 4grams of fiber. Hence, making oatmeal a good source. Walnuts, on the other hand, can add around 2 grams of fiber. Plus, it can give you protein and a satisfying crunch to your meal.

Avocado and Dark Leafy Greens

Your usual kale or spinach salad contains high nutrients and low calories. However, it can leave you wanting more, which means you might eat more. In order to solve this, you can try adding avocados to your salad.

By adding avocados to your dark leafy greens, your stomach will be left satisfied. Avocados contain monounsaturated fat, which is a good fat that staves off hunger. Furthermore, avocados can also help you absorb disease-fighting antioxidants.

Chicken and Cayenne Pepper

Chicken breasts can help you with your weight loss journey because it only contains about 27 grams of protein with only 150 calories or less. Moreover, protein can help you keep full longer.

To add more flavor to your chicken breasts, try rubbing on some cayenne pepper. This ingredient might make you less hungry and boost your calorie burn.

Bean and Vegetable Soup

You can make a broth-based vegetable soup for lunch or dinner. The soup will help you fill up your stomach, leaving less room for higher-calorie foods. You can also choose to add black beans or chickpeas to your soup. These beans can help your stomach be more satisfied since they are high in fiber and protein.

Olive Oil and Cauliflower

Cauliflower contains only 27 calories per cup. This makes this vegetable a weight loss friendly food. It is also low in the glycemic index (a type of measurement that tells how much the food you take raises your blood sugar).

You can make your meal by drizzling olive oil on the chopped cauliflowers and then roast them. This makes your cauliflower more flavorful. Also, olive oil’s fats can help you feel full.

Apples, Peanut Butter, and Cinnamon

Apples and peanut butter are the ultimate go-to when it comes to losing weight. Peanut butter has monounsaturated fat, which can make you feel full. It also has polyunsaturated fats, which can help improve your insulin metabolism.

You can create a weight-loss-friendly snack by spreading peanut butter on an apple (full of fiber that reduces visceral fat). You can then top it off with a sprinkle of cinnamon. This aromatic spice contains antioxidants that can help you not gain weight.

Green Tea, Lemon, and Mint

Tea is known to help with weight loss and blast belly fat. Green tea, in particular, contains a high amount of antioxidant EGCG, a compound that burns fat. It is also rich in catechins, an antioxidant that releases the fat from fat cells.

To prepare this food combo, you can brew green tea and squeeze a lemon in it. Lemon contains polyphenols and pectin; these help you lose weight and feel fuller. You can also add in mint, which is considered an appetite suppressant.

Salmon, Yogurt, and Sweet Potatoes

Lean protein helps you burn fat and build muscles. Hence, incorporating it into your diet is key to slimming down. Wild salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have fat-burning and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes this meat one of the best choices for weight loss.

You can pair your salmon with sweet potatoes, which is a slow carb that can keep you full longer. Sweet potatoes contain antioxidants carotenoids, a compound that can help insulin levels and stabilize your blood sugar. Moreover, finish your meal with a dollop of yogurt-based sauce to absorb some extra vitamin C, calcium, and protein.

Eggs, Avocado Oil, and Spinach

A large egg contains about 6 grams of protein. This makes it a satisfying choice for a snack or a meal. Besides that, the protein you get from eggs not only helps you slim down, so does the amino acid arginine found in it.

You can pair your eggs with spinach, a green leafy vegetable that is rich in muscle boosting iron and filling fiber. You then drizzle your salad with olive oil to get the right amount of monounsaturated fats.

What About Weight Loss Pills? Can They Help You Slim Down?

The answer is yes. Weight loss pills can help you lose weight. They are available in the market, and they don’t even have to be expensive. You can use diet and weight loss coupons to save some cash on them.

However, these pills should be paired with, not in replacement of, proper diet and exercise. Moreover, weight loss pills are not for everyone. That is why it is best to consult your doctor before taking them.


These food combos can help you lose weight. With proper diet and exercise, you can certainly achieve your body goals. Also, if you plan to use weight pills, don’t forget to consult your doctor or a dietician .

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